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美音: [g?v] 英音: [ɡ?v]




及物/不及物動詞給予; 贈送; 作出

及物動詞供給; 產(chǎn)生; 舉辦; (為購買某物或做某事而)支付

不及物動詞(物體)塌下; 讓步





動詞payofferdevoteyieldfurnishrenderbestowdonatedeliversupplypass ongive waygrantallotcontributethrowaffordhand overawardprovidedeal outpresentbend


1. give out : 分發(fā), 發(fā)出, 耗盡;

2. give off : 發(fā)出;

3. give on : (門/窗)向著(街/園);

4. give over : 停止, 放棄;

5. give into : 通向;

6. give back : 歸還, 恢復(fù);

7. give oneself over to : 使沉湎于, 使縱情于;

8. give or take : 增減...而無大變化, 允許有小誤差;

9. give up : 放棄, 停止, 認輸;

10. give forth : 發(fā)出, 發(fā)表;

11. give in : 屈服, 讓步, 交上;



1. Given the opportunity, she might well have become an outstanding artist.

2. Can you give me a job?

3. give什么意思

3. You've given me your cold.


1. give的意思

1. The ice gave under his weight.



A:Could you give him this (message/ report/ document), please?


B:No problem.


A:(Let me/ Allow me to/ Give me some time to) think about it.

B:All right.


A:What do you know about this guy?

B:He’ll give you a good (deal/ bargain/ price)


1. give的意思

1. 送:如果有人不是很確定天氣, 可以在明天早上(SAT)出發(fā)前, (7:30以后打電話問我)有點像是批踢踢(ptt)的贈送(give)版要是之前在臺灣有無肇事紀(jì)錄(NCD)的話

2. give的反義詞

2. 贈送:如果有人不是很確定天氣, 可以在明天早上(SAT)出發(fā)前, (7:30以后打電話問我)有點像是批踢踢(ptt)的贈送(give)版要是之前在臺灣有無肇事紀(jì)錄(NCD)的話



1. (與表示身體動作的名詞連用,表示該動作)
You can use give with nouns that refer to physical actions. The whole expression refers to the performing of the action. For example, She gave a smile means almost the same as 'She smiled'.

e.g. She stretched her arms out and gave a great yawn...
e.g. Giving a sigh, she fell to her knees at my feet...

2. 為…做;提供
You use give to say that a person does something for another person. For example, if you give someone a lift, you take them somewhere in your car.

e.g. I gave her a lift back out to her house...
e.g. He was given mouth-to-mouth resuscitation...

3. (與表示信息、意見、問候等的名詞連用)提供,給出,傳遞,告訴
You use give with nouns that refer to information, opinions, or greetings to indicate that something is communicated. For example, if you give someone some news, you tell it to them.

e.g. He gave no details...
e.g. Would you like to give me your name?...

4. 預(yù)計將(持續(xù)或達到…)
You use give to say how long you think something will last or how much you think something will be.


e.g. A BBC poll gave the Labour Party a 12 per cent lead...
e.g. Ted and his lawyers gave the company 11 months to sell off everything.

5. 毫不在乎
People use give in expressions such as I don't give a damn to show that they do not care about something.

e.g. They don't give a damn about the country.

6. 使產(chǎn)生(某種想法或印象)
If someone or something gives you a particular idea or impression, it causes you to have that idea or impression.

e.g. They gave me the impression that they were doing exactly what they wanted in life...
e.g. The examiner's final report does not give an accurate picture.

7. 使身體感到…;使產(chǎn)生(某種情緒)
If someone or something gives you a particular physical or emotional feeling, it makes you experience it.

e.g. He gave me a shock...
e.g. It will give great pleasure to the many thousands of children who visit the hospital each year.

8. 作(表演或演說)
If you give a performance or speech, you perform or speak in public.

e.g. Kotto gives a stupendous performance...
e.g. I am sure you remember Mrs Butler who gave us such an interesting talk last year.

9. 給予,予以(考慮或關(guān)注)
If you give something thought or attention, you think about it, concentrate on it, or deal with it.

e.g. I've been giving it some thought...
e.g. Priority will be given to those who apply early.

10. 舉辦(聚會等)
If you give a party or other social event, you organize it.

e.g. That evening, I gave a dinner party for a few close friends.


1. 提供;給予
If you give someone something that you own or have bought, you provide them with it, so that they have it or can use it.

e.g. They gave us T-shirts and stickers...
e.g. He gave money to the World Health Organisation to help defeat smallpox...

2. 遞給;傳給
If you give someone something that you are holding or that is near you, you pass it to them, so that they are then holding it.


e.g. Give me that pencil...
e.g. He pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and gave it to him.

3. 賦予(權(quán)力或權(quán)利)
To give someone or something a particular power or right means to allow them to have it.

e.g. ...a citizen's charter giving rights to gays...
e.g. The draft would give the president the power to appoint the central bank's chairman.


1. 坍塌;斷裂;支撐不住
If something gives, it collapses or breaks under pressure.

e.g. My knees gave under me.

2. 使(理解);使(知道);使(相信)
You say that you are given to understand or believe that something is the case when you do not want to say how you found out about it, or who told you.

e.g. We were given to understand that he was ill...
e.g. He has been given to believe that there may be a future for him and Maria together.

3. 毫不示弱地反擊(或反駁);回敬;以牙還牙
If someone gives as good as they get, they fight or argue as well as the person they are fighting or arguing with.

e.g. For the first time in 12 years, the Democrats are giving as good as they get.

4. 愿意付出一切(強調(diào)十分渴望做某事或擁有某物)
You use give in phrases such as I'd give anything ,I'd give my right arm, and what wouldn't I give to emphasize that you are very eager to do or have something.

e.g. I'd give anything to be like you.

5. 我寧可要;我寧可選擇;我更喜歡
You use give me to say that you would rather have one thing than another, especially when you have just mentioned the thing that you do not want.

e.g. I've never had anything barbecued and I don't want it. Give me a good roast dinner any day.

6. 互諒互讓;相互遷就
If you say that something requires give and take, you mean that people must compromise or co-operate for it to be successful.

e.g. ...a happy relationship where there's a lot of give and take.

7. 相差不到…;出入至多…
Give or take is used to indicate that an amount is approximate. For example, if you say that something is fifty years old, give or take a few years, you mean that it is approximately fifty years old.

e.g. They grow to a height of 12 ins — give or take a couple of inches.

8. 我承認
You say I'll give you that to indicate that you admit that someone has a particular characteristic or ability.

e.g. You're a bright enough kid, I'll give you that.

9. 為…鼓掌
If an audience is asked to give it up for a performer, they are being asked to applaud.

e.g. Ladies and Gentlemen, give it up for Fred Durst.

10. to give the game away -> see game
to give up the ghost -> see ghost
to give someone hell -> see hell
to give notice -> see notice
to give rise to -> see rise
to give way -> see way

相關(guān)詞組:give awaygive backgive ingive offgive outgive overgive over togive upgive up ongive up to




1. the elasticity of something that can be stretched and returns to its original length

Synonym: springspringiness


1. proffer (a body part)

e.g. She gave her hand to her little sister

2. consent to engage in sexual intercourse with a man

e.g. She gave herself to many men

3. occur

e.g. what gives?

4. estimate the duration or outcome of something

e.g. He gave the patient three months to live
I gave him a very good chance at success

5. dedicate

e.g. give thought to
give priority to
pay attention to

Synonym: paydevote

6. inflict as a punishment

e.g. She gave the boy a good spanking
The judge gave me 10 years

7. allow to have or take

e.g. I give you two minutes to respond

8. guide or direct, as by behavior of persuasion

e.g. You gave me to think that you agreed with me

9. submit for consideration, judgment, or use

e.g. give one's opinion
give an excuse

10. give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause

e.g. She committed herself to the work of God
give one's talents to a good cause
consecrate your life to the church

Synonym: dedicateconsecratecommitdevote

11. offer in good faith

e.g. He gave her his word

12. manifest or show

e.g. This student gives promise of real creativity
The office gave evidence of tampering

13. convey or communicate
of a smile, a look, a physical gesture

e.g. Throw a glance
She gave me a dirty look

Synonym: throw

14. convey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.

e.g. Don't pay him any mind
give the orders
Give him my best regards
pay attention

Synonym: pay

15. bestow

e.g. give homage
render thanks

Synonym: render

16. accord by verdict

e.g. give a decision for the plaintiff

17. propose

e.g. He gave the first of many toasts at the birthday party

18. give food to

e.g. Feed the starving children in India
don't give the child this tough meat

Synonym: feed

19. be flexible under stress of physical force

e.g. This material doesn't give

Synonym: yield

20. give or supply

e.g. The cow brings in 5 liters of milk
This year's crop yielded 1,000 bushels of corn
The estate renders some revenue for the family

Synonym: renderyieldreturngenerate

21. cause to happen or be responsible for

e.g. His two singles gave the team the victory

Synonym: yield

22. bring about

e.g. The trompe l'oeil-illusion establishes depth

Synonym: establish

23. perform for an audience

e.g. Pollini is giving another concert in New York

24. present to view

e.g. He gave the sign to start

25. organize or be responsible for

e.g. hold a reception
have, throw, or make a party
give a course

Synonym: holdthrowhavemake

26. move in order to make room for someone for something

e.g. The park gave way to a supermarket
`Move over,' he told the crowd

Synonym: move overgive wayease upyield

27. break down, literally or metaphorically

e.g. The wall collapsed
The business collapsed
The dam broke
The roof collapsed
The wall gave in
The roof finally gave under the weight of the ice

Synonym: collapsefall incave ingive waybreakfounder

28. transfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody

e.g. I gave her my money
can you give me lessons?
She gave the children lots of love and tender loving care

29. leave with
give temporarily

e.g. Can I give you my keys while I go in the pool?
Can I give you the children for the weekend?

30. give as a present
make a gift of

e.g. What will you give her for her birthday?

Synonym: giftpresent

31. place into the hands or custody of

e.g. hand me the spoon, please
Turn the files over to me, please
He turned over the prisoner to his lawyers

Synonym: passhandreachpass onturn over

32. convey or reveal information

e.g. Give one's name

33. transmit (knowledge or skills)

e.g. give a secret to the Russians
leave your name and address here
impart a new skill to the students

Synonym: impartleavepass on

34. contribute to some cause

e.g. I gave at the office

Synonym: contributechip inkick in

35. give or convey physically

e.g. She gave him First Aid
I gave him a punch in the nose

Synonym: apply

36. give (as medicine)

e.g. I gave him the drug

37. cause to have, in the abstract sense or physical sense

e.g. She gave him a black eye
The draft gave me a cold

38. bestow, especially officially

e.g. grant a degree
give a divorce
This bill grants us new rights

Synonym: grant

39. be the cause or source of

e.g. He gave me a lot of trouble
Our meeting afforded much interesting information

Synonym: yieldafford

40. endure the loss of

e.g. He gave his life for his children
I gave two sons to the war

Synonym: sacrifice

41. afford access to

e.g. the door opens to the patio
The French doors give onto a terrace

Synonym: affordopen

42. deliver in exchange or recompense

e.g. I'll give you three books for four CDs

43. emit or utter

e.g. Give a gulp
give a yelp

44. execute and deliver

e.g. Give bond

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