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美音: [ba?t] 英音: [ba?t]



及物/不及物動(dòng)詞咬; 叮

名詞咬; 咬傷; 疼痛; 受騙

不及物動(dòng)詞刺痛; 咬餌; 有咬(或叮)的習(xí)性; (人)上當(dāng)

及物動(dòng)詞(辣椒,胡椒等)刺激; (齒輪,螺絲,鉗子,錨等)咬住; (利器等)刺進(jìn); (寒風(fēng)等)刺骨

abbr.機(jī)內(nèi)測(cè)試設(shè)備(Built-In Test Equipment)



1. bite

1. The man was bitten by a lust or gain.

2. The car's tires would not bite on the snow.

3. The icy wind bit our faces.


1. I tried to sell him my old car but he wouldn't bite.


1. This apple's good; do you want a bite?

2. She was covered in insect bites.



A:It’s time to get up!

B:I just went to bed!

A:You shouldn’t have stayed up so late watching TV. I told you we had to get an early start.

B:I know, but that movie was just too good to leave. I guess I’ll just have to pay the price and be sleepy.

A:Do you want to eat breakfast here?

B:No. Why don’t we just grab a bite at the coffee shop next door?

A:Okay by me.

Social Security-(社會(huì)保險(xiǎn))

A:Man, they take a lot of our paycheck.

B:Yeah, the government really takes a bite, doesn’t it?

A:Seriously. The only tax I don’t mind them taking is social security. It’s only a few dollars every paycheck.

B:Yeah, I don’t mind it either. We’ll both end up rich slobs and not need it, but what if we do, you know?

A:Yeah. It won’t be much, but at least we’ll have a monthly check when we get old.

B:Yeah. My grandmother gets by on social security and the money my grandfather invested when he was alive.

A:Let’s just hope the politicians don’t figure out a way to spend it.


B:Really?No, they couldn’t. None of them would have jobs if they did.



1. 叮 咬:巧妙記英語單詞_形近詞趣味串記匯總(二)同~ite串記:引用(cite)風(fēng)箏(kite)叮咬(bite)的位置(site). 同~ing串記:國(guó)王(king)長(zhǎng)翅膀(wing...巧妙記英語單詞_形近詞趣味串記匯總 (一)同-eed:喂(feed)養(yǎng)(breed)行為(deed)確實(shí)(indeed)需要(need)蘆葦(reed)種子(seed)加雜草(weed)...

2. (動(dòng)詞時(shí)態(tài):The tooth hurts only when he bites down on it. (他咬東西時(shí),牙齒就痛. ) | (動(dòng)詞時(shí)態(tài):hurt, hurt, hurt; bite, bit, bit) | His gums are red and swollen. (他的牙床紅腫. )

3. bite:built-in test equipment; 機(jī)內(nèi)測(cè)試設(shè)備

4. bite:built in testing equipment; 內(nèi)置測(cè)試設(shè)備,自檢測(cè)設(shè)備


1. 咬;咬傷
If you bite something, you use your teeth to cut into it, for example in order to eat it or break it. If an animal or person bites you, they use their teeth to hurt or injure you.

e.g. Both sisters bit their nails as children...
e.g. He bit into his sandwich...

2. (尤指對(duì)食物的)咬
A bite of something, especially food, is the action of biting it.

e.g. He took another bite of apple...
e.g. You cannot eat a bun in one bite.

3. 一點(diǎn)兒食物
If you have a bite to eat, you have a small meal or a snack.

e.g. It was time to go home for a little rest and a bite to eat.

4. 咬;叮
If a snake or a small insect bites you, it makes a mark or hole in your skin, and often causes the surrounding area of your skin to become painful or itchy.

e.g. When an infected mosquito bites a human, spores are injected into the blood...
e.g. We were all badly bitten by mosquitoes.

5. (被叮、咬后留下的)傷口,包
A bite is an injury or a mark on your body where an animal, snake, or small insect has bitten you.

e.g. Any dog bite, no matter how small, needs immediate medical attention.

6. 產(chǎn)生嚴(yán)重(或不良)影響
When an action or policy begins to bite, it begins to have a serious or harmful effect.

e.g. As the sanctions begin to bite there will be more political difficulties ahead...
e.g. The recession started biting deeply into British industry.

7. 碾軋;切割;陷入
If an object bites into a surface, it presses hard against it or cuts into it.

e.g. There may even be some wire or nylon biting into the flesh...
e.g. The car's tires bit loudly on the rutted snow in the street.

8. (食物或酒的)濃郁味道,辛辣味
If you say that a food or drink has bite, you like it because it has a strong or sharp taste.

e.g. ...the addition of tartaric acid to give the wine some bite.

9. 寒冷;刺骨
If the air or the wind has a bite, it feels very cold.

e.g. There was a bite in the air, a smell perhaps of snow.

10. (表演、文章等的)犀利,感染力
If something such as a performance or a piece of writing has bite, it is exciting or effective.

e.g. The teams have that extra bite when they are playing against their neighbours...
e.g. The novel seems to lack bite and tension—even passion.

11. 上鉤;咬鉤;吞餌
If a fish bites when you are fishing, it takes the hook or bait at the end of your fishing line in its mouth.

e.g. After half an hour, the fish stopped biting and we moved on.

12. 少許;少量;小部分
A bite of something is a small part or amount of it.

e.g. ...bites of conversation.

13. see also: love bite;nail-biting

14. 恩將仇報(bào);以怨報(bào)德;忘恩負(fù)義
If someone bites the hand that feeds them, they behave badly or in an ungrateful way towards someone who they depend on.

e.g. She may be cynical about the film industry, but ultimately she has no intention of biting the hand that feeds her.

15. 大發(fā)雷霆;亂發(fā)火兒
If someone speaks or replies to you angrily, and you think they are being unfair or reacting too strongly, you can say that they bite your head off .

e.g. Whenever possible, suggest she talks about it but be aware she may bite your head off for your trouble.

16. 隱忍不言;繃緊嘴巴
If you bite your lip or your tongue, you stop yourself from saying something that you want to say, because it would be the wrong thing to say in the circumstances.

e.g. I must learn to bite my lip...
e.g. He bit his tongue as he found himself on the point of saying 'follow that car'.

17. 抽出一部分,拿出一部分(錢)
If something takes a bite out of a sum of money, part of the money is spent or taken away in order to pay for it.

e.g. Local taxes are going to be taking a bigger bite out of people's income than they ever have before.

18. someone's bark is worse than their bite -> see bark
to bite the bullet -> see bullet
to bite off more than one can chew -> see chew
to bite the dust -> see dust;twice shy
once bitten -> see shy

相關(guān)詞組:bite back



1. a portion removed from the whole

e.g. the government's weekly bite from my paycheck

2. the act of gripping or chewing off with the teeth and jaws

Synonym: chomp

3. a strong odor or taste property

e.g. the pungency of mustard
the sulfurous bite of garlic
the sharpness of strange spices
the raciness of the wine

Synonym: pungencysharpnessraciness

4. wit having a sharp and caustic quality

e.g. he commented with typical pungency
the bite of satire

Synonym: pungency

5. (angling) an instance of a fish taking the bait

e.g. after fishing for an hour he still had not had a bite

6. a light informal meal

Synonym: collationsnack

7. a small amount of solid food
a mouthful

e.g. all they had left was a bit of bread

Synonym: morselbit

8. a wound resulting from biting by an animal or a person

9. a painful wound caused by the thrust of an insect's stinger into skin

Synonym: stinginsect bite



1. penetrate or cut, as with a knife

e.g. The fork bit into the surface

2. deliver a sting to

e.g. A bee stung my arm yesterday

Synonym: stingprick

3. to grip, cut off, or tear with or as if with the teeth or jaws

e.g. Gunny invariably tried to bite her

Synonym: seize with teeth

4. cause a sharp or stinging pain or discomfort

e.g. The sun burned his face

Synonym: stingburn

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