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abbr.(=dead reckoning)速度三角形定位法; (=doctor)醫(yī)生,博士


1. 黑暗游俠:筆者征詢了TED本人的意見,他的推薦是死亡騎士(DK) 巫妖(LICH) 黑暗游俠(DR)的組合,對方騎士多的話lich升一級的冰甲,DR的沉默使用是一個(gè)關(guān)鍵之處. 在自己MF之余別忘記了偵察對方的動(dòng)態(tài),萬不可讓對方開出第三片礦.

2. 糖尿病視網(wǎng)膜病變:1.糖尿病、高血壓:按世界衛(wèi)生組織(WHO)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)診斷. 肥胖以BMI≥25為標(biāo)準(zhǔn). 影響因素 糖尿病腎病(DN) 糖尿病視網(wǎng)膜病變(DR) 糖尿病外周神經(jīng)病變(DPN) 糖尿病自主神經(jīng)病變(DAN)

3. Dr的解釋

3. 壓力調(diào)節(jié)器:同時(shí)藉一通過一具有壓力調(diào)節(jié)器(DR)的第三調(diào)節(jié)回路來調(diào)節(jié)的堵塞空氣流(S)而形成柱塞. 壓力測量裝置(3)測量輸送通道(10)內(nèi)的堵塞壓力并把相應(yīng)的信號(hào)輸給比較器(V),它采取安全措施使信號(hào)燈(4)或剪刀(8)產(chǎn)生動(dòng)作. 本所示的實(shí)施例中,

4. Dr的近義詞

4. dr:dibetic retinopathy; 糖尿病視網(wǎng)膜病變

5. dr:depository receipts; 存托憑證

6. dr:deatil receptor; 死亡受體

7. dr:designative router; 指定路由器


in AM, use 美國英語用 Dr.


2. (用于街道名)路,大道
Dr is used as a written abbreviation for (書面縮略=) Drive when it is part of a street name.

e.g. ...6 Queen's Dr.
女王大道 6 號(hào)


1. Dr Smillie has a word of advice to offer anyone considering buying a dog.

2. Dr Mousa said that his hospital was overwhelmed by the large numbers of casualties.

3. Dr Prasad then drove through the streets in his state coach, greeted by thousands of people along the way.

4. Dr Highet said while the public sector had embraced depression awareness programs, private firms had been slow to catch on.

5. Dr Lawrence Chan takes out his kit of acupuncture needles and considers his patient, a beautiful chestnut thoroughbred mare.

6. Dr Graham Clayton led the research, which was conducted as part of National Chip Week.

7. The team says Crosby will work with chiropractic neurologist Dr Ted Carrick, who treated Crosby for similar symptoms last summer.

8. The Court of Final Appeal requested the NPC to determine whether DR Congo has the right to claim sovereign immunity in the case.

9. The Hong Kong Museum of History will open an exhibition of artefacts related to Dr Sun during the collection period that ends in August.

10. She added DR did not inform employees concerning the new companies, and demanded that employees terminate agreements with the company and sign with the new companies.


1. Dr Muthanna el Assal was getting his paperwork in order, so that he could try to get out -- to wherever he could find a job.

2. Dr什么意思

2. It leads Mr. Blank not to write verses at all—which he might very well do, for the sake of his own happiness, and for the amusement of his friends—and it leads Miss Dash to pester the overworked editors of various journals with her unsuccessful imitations of Mr. de la Mare, [2] Mr. Yeats[3], and Dr.

3. Mr. Peter Mascia and Dr. Lv, Yu-Ping, from CERES company, USA, visited SIPPE and gave the
美國CERES 公司副總裁Peter Mascia 先生和呂玉平博士訪問我所,并聯(lián)合做了題為作物的功

4. Dr Cappuccino and Dr Arnason asked themselves why.

5. Dr的解釋

5. The 12% recurrence rate in the 45- to 50-year-old age group is similar to previously reported recurrence rates of 10%-15% in women older than age 50 in the 10 years after diagnosis, reported Dr.

6. Dr

6. Objective To select preferably direct digital radiographywhose performance and price are better, while manage its function, principle and structure in the process of procuring and fixing the DR equipment.

7. Soul Destroyer is influenced by your physical and magical attack power.

8. The Chinese are very family orientated and it is important for smokers to be aware of the danger to themselves and to their family, particularly children, Dr Wong said.


9. She felt as if she was getting worse every day and wandered if Dr. White was going to give her more drugs.

10. Dr

10. To Dr. Stepp, the most exciting development was the reduction in narcotics use.

11. Initial experience has shown that LESS is not much different from conventional three-port laparoscopy, said Dr. Stepp.

12. Dr. Stepp reported on 22 patients who underwent LESS at MetroHealth, 19 of them for hysterectomies.

13. Dr. Stepp disclosed that he is a consultant for Covidien, a health care device and supplies company.


14. Dr. Stepp said he has employed the TriPort laparoscopic access device, made by Advanced Surgical Concepts. Other techniques and ports are available, and each has its own advantages, he said.
Stepp博士使用的是愛爾蘭Advanced Surgical Concepts公司的TriPort腹腔鏡產(chǎn)品,但他認(rèn)為其他品牌的產(chǎn)品也是可行的,每一種產(chǎn)品都有其自身的獨(dú)特優(yōu)勢。

15. Until now, Malakun is unable to provide details about how many Kadazan, Dusun and Murut people are holding key positions in Sabah when challenged by Sabah DAP Chairman Dr.

16. Dr. Farkas: I don't know. It's okay.


17. Dr. Farkas: Look, I don't know what I've done, but you're vibrating.

18. Dr

18. Dr. Farkas: I believe you.

19. Dr. Farkas: I'm gonna go.

20. In nature, this base is found in RNA, rather than DNA, but it is just as susceptible to being recorded by one of Dr Watson`s mechanical monkeys as the others are.

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