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all day long
美音: [?:l dei l??] 英音: [?l de l??]

all day long基本解釋

副詞整天; 一天到晚; 終天; 成日

all day long情景對話

Crash course-(速成班)

A:What are you studying alldaylong for? It’s summer vacation!

B:I know! I hate it! But I’m taking this crash course in math.


all day long的近義詞

B:I have to take my exams for getting into the university, so I need to prepare.

A:Do you think it will help?

B:It has to! I’ve been studying every day, eight hours a day! I don’t know, but the school has a great success record.

A:Hmm…Maybe I should sign up too.

B:I’ll pick up an application fomp3 for you at school tomorrow.

all day long網絡解釋

1. 一整天:11. combine sth. with sth. 把......跟......相結合 | 12. alldaylong 一整天 | 13. next-door neighbour 隔壁鄰居

2. 整天:agree with sb. 同意某人的意見 | alldaylong 整天 | all kinds of 各種各樣的

3. 一天到晚:75.one day 某日 | 76.alldaylong 一天到晚 | 77.by the day 逐日計算

4. 整整一天:You say it best When you say nothing at all沉默是你最美的語言 | Alldaylong整整一天 | I can hear people talking out loud我聽著人們高談闊論

all day long英英釋義


1. during the entire day

e.g. light pours daylong into the parlor

Synonym: daylong

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