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kick up
美音: [kik ?p] 英音: [k?k ?p]

kick up基本解釋

kick up在線翻譯

踢起; 引起; 抬高; 發(fā)生故障

kick up

kick up網(wǎng)絡解釋

1. kick up的意思

1. 踢起:kickup one's heels 高興得跳起來 | kickup 踢起 | kickupstairs 明升暗降


2. 提高允許量;急劇提高汽油辛烷值:kick tolerance 無井涌允差 | kickup 提高允許量;急劇提高汽油辛烷值 | kick 踢;反沖;井涌

3. 翻車器:kick back 反沖軌道;反沖 | kickup 翻車器 | kickup block 阻車器擋車器阻塊

4. kick up的意思

4. 出故障:kick transformer 脈沖變壓器 | kickup 出故障 | kick 急沖

kick up詞典解釋

1. 開始(大吵大鬧)
If you kick up a fuss about something, you make it very obvious that you are annoyed or dissatisfied.

e.g. Those customers who have kicked up a fuss have received refunds...
e.g. They kickup a rumpus and throw things at each other.

2. 揚起(灰塵或土)
If you kick up dust or dirt, you create a cloud of dust or dirt as you move along a dusty road.

kick up

e.g. She shuffled along, kicking up clouds of dust.

kick up英英釋義

kick up的翻譯


1. raising the feet backward with the hands on the ground
a first movement in doing a handstand


1. cause to rise by kicking

e.g. kick up dust

2. evoke or provoke to appear or occur

e.g. Her behavior provoked a quarrel between the couple

Synonym: provokeevokecall forth

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