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Good morning!
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Good morning!單語例句

Good morning!在線翻譯

1. The network has also said he is welcome to come back to " Good Morning America ".

2. Every morning they would spray a few drops of the nectars that would keep them smelling good the whole day.

3. Early morning is the best time to watch birds, as Dongtan is also a good place to enjoy sunrise.

4. The proper amount of lovemaking will freshen you up and make you feel good the next morning.

5. My final morning in Jerusalem I woke uneasily, struggling to recover from another night of seared goose breast and good wine.

6. " There's always someone with you, " she told ABC's " Good Morning America " show.

7. In November, she told " Good Morning America " anchor Diane Sawyer about her goals for 2006.

8. This photo supplied by ABC shows ABC Newsman Bob Woodruff as he returns to visit colleagues at'Good Morning America'in New York.

9. He planned to appear on ABC's " Good Morning America " Thursday to discuss the tragedy and recovery efforts.

10. On the top is the sun saying " Good Morning " to the girl.

Good morning!

Good morning!雙語例句

1. Good morning, May I get your vouches, please?

2. Good morning!是什么意思

2. Good morning/afternoon, My name is YangHaiyan, You can call me Yanzi.

3. They are new every morning; great is your good faith.
3:23 每早晨這都是新的,你的誠實(shí)、極其廣大。

4. Good morning!什么意思

4. Good morning, sir, can I help you?

5. This morning taking the time to read this film, I feel very good, I not only moved by the beauty絕倫inside the pan, there are more important - the friendship between teachers and students.

6. Success is waking up in the morning, whoever you are, wherever you are, however old or young, and bounding out of bed because there's something out there you love to do, that you believe in, that you are good at something that's bigger than you are, and you can hardly wait to get at it again today!

7. Success is waking up in the morning, whoever you are, wherever you are, however old or young, and bounding out of bed. because there's something out there you love to do, that you believe in, that you're good at something that's bigger than you are, and you can hardly wait to get at it again today!

8. Good morning!在線翻譯

8. Success is waking up in morning, whoever you are, however old or young, and bounding out of bed becausethere's something out there you love to do, that you believe in, that you're good at--something that's bigger thenyou are, and you can hardly wait to get at it again today.

9. Good morning, CSN Pearl Hotel, what can I do for you? (或者Can I help you?

10. Police: Good morning, sir. What can I do for you?

11. Good morning!什么意思

11. Good morning. Could I speak with Mr. Willard please?

12. A: Good morning. Could I speak with Mr. Willard please?

13. A: Good morning. I'd like to ask about the Masters Degree course in cultural studies.

14. The days in shenzhen were really regular for me, get up at 7, have breakfast at 7:30, classes from 8:30 to 12:30, afternoon classes from 2 to six, then have dinner downstairs and come back to dorm. its good that i have a single small room for myself, its quite small, but i've made it a very comfortable clean one, hehe. i always read my book till 11, and watch a movie make me sleepy, sleep at a quarter past 12, and fall asleep, then wake up at 7am the next morning. it's been a long time i haven't had this regular life, it's very simple, quiet, regular, when i lie on bed reading at night, it was so quiet that i could even hear myself breathing, but i really enjoyed the peace in my heart.

15. Good morning! I'm very happy to come here to study with you.

16. Palm monkey brace up in appearing in billow to the word of mortals, in the morning 6:00 begin to lead child people drill to the tree; 7:00 ate juice of pineapple of a kilogram of banana, two dock-glass as breakfast. 8:00 run a newspaper to monkey, this assists Ma Wen's part was done old, already was do something one knows well, on the make tea one cup of Dragon Well tea, a faint scent waves before sending bazoo, carrying cup desire drink, phone 0 your work, monkey king miff: People not of the same clan covets our natural environment, reave me female monkey a certain number of names, spirit away my fruit a certain number of kilogram, you handle affairs adverse, need make amends for one's fault by good deeds, atone for one's crimes by doing, fast fast do!

17. Good morning!在線翻譯

17. Relax's time, I would hope use favorite way to spent it, The end of the morning's course, When my partner Jane said to me, It so happened have two movie tickets, At 19:00, Whether with me together go to watch movie, After my heart feel delight, Though we have been reached before the consensus, Prepare to look at 19:10 the movie, 《Red Cliff》, Actually, I hope to watch a local movie in china, I franked told she i have not seen the movie of the first half, But she said that will not affect, The pm 7:00, I already in the cinema At the door of wait for a long time, Has yet to see my companions, Maybe i in the kill of time, I watch of the film table, Screening of the it seem chinese movie, 《Red Cliff》and《Madagascar》2 Some less the introduction of the movies, Despite I would not be surprise, But I would watch the 《Red Cliff》 should the good choice, I saw Jane, She let me wait a full 15 minutes, I think he will find for themselves better reason, To avoid being late forpsychological, Her own apology for being late because of traffic congestion on the road, Although I am a taxi to the, I feel Chengdu Crowded is Traffic, The sky already dark, The streets are constantly whistle sound, Finally, I can not on forgive her, We enter the cinemas, Cinema is no Imagine as spacious, But is a very delicate environment, The film should have been broadcast, I think we are 10 minutes late, So we quietly went to the location, To watch the movie, I feel to have chinese classical music, To surround the movie, Aslo let me fusion of the atmosphere in China, Maybe the movie has some humorous language, But sometimes have small number of comments Voice, At least that let me feel sick discomfort, We are seriously watch to the movie, Cinema is about to go out, Maybe this is for me is breath of fresh air, The best, But is the helpless's choose, Very fond three kingdoms of my friend, In U. S, They are very fond the Japanese game 《Dynasty Warriors》, They say he is cool, No have complex plot, Can let you full of crazy and direct, These maybe can to me as a reference, Because I do not know three kingdoms of lot, Jane asked in how I feel when, I told her I like Zhou Yu, ,WHich have a scene, When he performed the sword dance when, In front of Xiao Qiao, I feel the ancients are the comfort and fine and smooth, And has a strong China atmosphere, Although in my thoughts, Zhuge Liang is the wisdom, And Cao Cao more are poetry and brutality, Maybe They are contrary, But i not longing the latter, In the movie has a Cao Cao poetry recitation, I ever for that memory, Is clearlr, It makes me feel he to near for me, My favorite watch movie, Maybe in U. S, Many people will because leisure watch movie, In U. S, Movie ticket prices low, That let me feel the can more depth and perfect sound quality, In U. S, I only know the Chinese movie is 《Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon》, This is my ever for China's thought, Martial arts and essence's experience, I like the director Ang Lee, He's movie has the ease, And sometimes, In heart was very heavy, Without violence, I feel that the oriental atmosphere, And bamboo's quiet, Maybe and 《Red Cliff》It is different, 《Red Cliff》's scenes let me feel endless grand, Although i have not seen the upper part, Many Hollywood great's works, Filled more is behind the emotional and caring, They are usually war deep to aware of human nature, China's ancient war, Full of alertness, Also is the wisdom of the struggle, Even if I am fell, It still is a beautiful works, But I believe, It will become my forever memory, I like the memory, Chinese movie memory, Although it will never be able to replace the first

18. Good morning, it's your wake-up call.

19. Good morning!在線翻譯

19. Mountain climbing, it is best to start up in the morning, you bus to the village of camel under the cherry after the morning because so many people will climb to exercise, so you take a look at the number of people that is the alley uphill Way, way up the mountain, some very formal, that is, be able to see that it is a spare enclosure to the mountains, very gentle way, that is a bit long, do climbing, do go on to lose the meaning and feeling, so can Select a little steep road, but they may not like the way just the way it has, there is no cement, and some are stone road or dirt road is simply that in the past is not the way, but those who take more, it has become a way, so Is not difficult to find, when climbing to the attention of stop-and-go, rest breaks, is the best and a few friends, put on dry food and water to climb together, this is the case, or to have a look after each other, act as long as the road On the road trip, do not take the grass is no one on the road to reach the OK, the saying goes down easily into the mountains is difficult, so the clothes to wear as much as possible on those who wear light clothing and shoes that, if slow uphill climb will be a An hour or so, probably will be able to, on a hill, although not very high, only a few hundred meters high, but down from the hills to see or feel very good, I have to go to college to work for a year now, a total of Went to four or five times now!

20. A: Goodmorning! What can I do for you?

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