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fire station
美音: [?fai? ?stei??n] 英音: [fa?r ?ste??n]

第三人稱復(fù)數(shù):fire stations

fire station基本解釋

fire station


fire station的解釋

fire station網(wǎng)絡(luò)解釋

1. 消防局:生人要肉搏攻擊請去消防局(FireStation)內(nèi)找一支消防斧(Fire Axe) 要槍類攻擊請去警察局(Police Department)或軍火庫(Armory)內(nèi)找手槍、散彈槍和子彈 (pistol、shotgun、pistol clip、shotgun shell)對其他血沒滿的玩家(人或僵尸)使用FAK(急救箱),


2. 消防隊:走到底T字型路口,左轉(zhuǎn)Blackcomb Way,過了有消防隊(FireStation)右側(cè)有一片空地,是可以提供過夜的免費停車場(Overnight Parkings). 冬奧殘奧會期間惠斯勒所有公眾停車場將關(guān)閉. 每年冬季11月至2月,在斯闊米什小鎮(zhèn)附近是觀賞白頭鷹的好去處.

3. fire station在線翻譯

3. 消防站:86fire fighter消防 | 87firestation消防站 | 88fishn. 魚; v. 捕魚,釣魚

4. fire station的翻譯

4. 火警布署站:消防員裝具 fireman's outfit | 火警布署站 firestation | 鍋爐艙踏格 fire room grating

fire station詞典解釋

1. 消防站
A fire station is a building where fire engines are kept, and where firefighters wait until they are called to put out a fire.

fire station英英釋義


1. a station housing fire apparatus and firemen

Synonym: firehouse

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