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or so
美音: [?: s??] 英音: [?r so?]

or so基本解釋

or so的翻譯

左右; 大約; 把

or so的翻譯

or so相關(guān)例句


1. It'll only cost 15 dollars orso.

or so網(wǎng)絡(luò)解釋

1. or so是什么意思

1. 大約,左右:ever so 非常,極其 | orso 大約,左右 | so that 以便,為使;所以,因此

2. 大約:or rather 更精確地說,倒不如說 | orso 大約 | other from 不同于

3. 大約,差不多:or rather 毋寧說;更確切地說 | orso 大約,差不多 | other than 除...之外;不同于;非


4. 左右:24.lose popularity with... 在......中失去流行度或受歡迎度 | 1.orso 左右 | 2.make sense 有意義

or so英英釋義


1. (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct

e.g. lasted approximately an hour
in just about a minute
he's about 30 years old
I've had about all I can stand
we meet about once a month
some forty people came
weighs around a hundred pounds
roughly $3,000
holds 3 gallons, more or less
20 orso people were at the party

Synonym: approximatelyaboutclose tojust aboutsomeroughlymore or lessaround

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