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blow up
美音: [bl?u ?p] 英音: [blo ?p]

blow up基本解釋

(使)爆炸; 產(chǎn)生; 爆發(fā); 發(fā)怒

blow up詞典解釋

1. 引爆;(使)炸毀;(使)爆炸
If someone blows something up or if it blows up, it is destroyed by an explosion.

e.g. He was jailed for 45 years for trying to blowup a plane...
他因為企圖炸毀一架飛機而被判入獄 45年。
e.g. Their boat blew up as they slept.

2. 給(輪胎)打氣;給(氣球)充氣
If you blow up something such as a balloon or a tyre, you fill it with air.

e.g. Other than blowing up a tyre I hadn't done any car maintenance.

3. (風(fēng)、暴風(fēng)雨)大作
If a wind or a storm blows up, the weather becomes very windy or stormy.

blow up什么意思

e.g. A storm blew up over the mountains.

4. 發(fā)怒;大發(fā)雷霆
If you blow up at someone, you lose your temper and shout at them.

e.g. I'm sorry I blew up at you...
e.g. When Myra told Karp she'd expose his past, he blew up.

5. (使)夸大;(使)言過其實
If someone blows an incident up or if it blows up, it is made to seem more serious or important than it really is.

e.g. Newspapers blew up the story...
e.g. The media may be blowing it up out of proportion...

6. 放大(照片等)
If a photographic image is blown up, a large copy is made of it.

e.g. The image is blown up on a large screen.
e.g. ...two blown up photos of Paddy.

7. see also: blow-up

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