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abbr.Countermeasure 干擾; Center of Mass質(zhì)量中心; Center Matched 中心相配的; Common Market 共同市場(“歐洲共同體”的俗稱)



1. CM的解釋

1. 厘米:分米(dm) 厘米(cm) 毫米(mm) 微米(μm) 納米(nm) 體積 升(L) 毫升(ml) 微升(μl) 質(zhì)(重)量 千克(kg) 克(g) 毫克(mg) 微克(μg) 納克(ng) 壓力 兆帕(MPa) 千帕(kPa) 帕(Pa) 動力黏度 帕秒(Pa.s) 運動黏度 平方毫米每秒(mm>/s) 波數(shù) 厘米的倒數(shù)(cm1>) 密度 千克每立方米(kg/m>) 克每立方厘米(g/cm>) 放射性活度 吉

2. 喀麥?。哼B入NSFNET的國家:南極洲(AQ)、喀麥隆(CM)、塞浦路斯(CY)、厄瓜多爾(EC)、愛沙尼亞(EE)、科威特(KW)、拉脫維亞(LV)、盧森堡(LU)、馬來西亞(MY)、斯洛伐克(SK)、斯洛文尼亞(SI)、泰國(TH)、委內(nèi)瑞拉(VE).

3. 水晶室女:天災(zāi): 惡魔巫師(Lion) 復(fù)仇之魂(VS) 幽鬼(SPE) 熊貓酒仙(Panda)近衛(wèi):地獄領(lǐng)主(LOA) 黑暗賢者(DS) 暗影牧師(SP) 潮汐獵人(TH)天災(zāi):暗影薩滿(SS) 水晶室女(CM)+月之女祭司(Pom) 憾地神牛(ES)+劍圣(Jugg)近衛(wèi):沙王(SK)+魚人

4. 鋦:1944年,當(dāng)96號元素鋦(Cm)人工合成之后,美國化學(xué)家西博格(Seaberg)提出錒系理論,認(rèn)為錒以后的元素應(yīng)組成類似于鑭系的另一個過渡系列,稱錒系元素. 90號釷(Th)和92號鈾(U)并不屬于ⅣB和ⅥB族元素. 錒系元素增加電子依次填充在5f電子亞層上.

5. cm:certificated mistress; 文憑教師


6. cm:cryptococcal meningitis; 新型隱球菌腦膜炎

7. cm:cooperative manager; ·協(xié)作管理器

8. cm:cavernous malformation; 海綿狀血管瘤





1. The Zhejiang Province had received at least 10 cm of snowfall by Friday night.

2. The camellia jar from the Shanghai Museum stands 25 cm high and 10 cm wide at the bottom.

3. The small but fierce carnivore is 48 cm by 16 cm large and weighs about a kilogram.

4. Stuff the meat mixture into the casing, tying off the links to form 10 cm long sausages.

5. The cassava is 50 cm high and 30 cm wide and appears to be the biggest such plant ever cultivated in Hainan province.

6. Centurion is 405 cm in diameter and its height was measured using laser survey equipment.

7. Check that the water level is about 2 cm above the surface of the rice.

8. Rinse and dry the chicken breast, and cut it into 2 cm cubes.

9. Fisherman Li Yongxiang said the red mullet had a circumference of 60 cm and was 135 cm long.

10. The painted clay figures vary greatly in size, with the largest one being 33 m high and the smallest only 10 cm.



1. The number of the adults and nymphae of psocids at the surface of the stored wheat was as many as that at the inner of stored wheat when the temperature was 15℃, the number of the psocids at the surface of the stored wheat would exceed the psocids number at the inner when the temperature exceed 20℃.

2. CM的反義詞

2. Kg of mercury is poured into a glass U-tube with inner diameter of 1.2 cm.
一內(nèi)徑為1.2 cm 的U型玻璃管里裝有9 kg的水銀。

3. CM的近義詞

3. The influence rule to powder quality and quantity from some technical parameters such as materials vapor tension, gas pressure, the ratio between hydrogen and argon, current intensity and gas circulate intensity were discussed by single-factor experiment, on the base of which the perpendicularity experiment scheme was arranged.

4. CM

4. It was relatively small, about 1.8 cm diameter by about 22 cm length.
這是相對較小,約1.8厘米直徑約22 cm長度。

5. Sepals lilac to blue-violet, rarely milk-white to yellowish (subsp. flavescens), erect, oblong-ovate, ca. 3 × 1 cm, inside glabrous, outside sparsely hairy.


6. Each passenger is allowed to take only one carry-on baggage. The volume of the article should not be more than 20cm×30cm×40cm, with a total weight not exceeding 5 kg.
每位旅客帶入客艙的行李物品(包括自理行李及隨身攜帶物品)只限一件,體積不超過20cm×30cm×40cm ,重量不超過5公斤。

7. The volume for this reformer system is set to be smaller than 500cm3, functioned with fuel storage, fuel inlet and vaporization, reformer, reformed gas purification.
重組器模組體積必須小於500 cm3,內(nèi)部整合的功能包含甲醇儲存、燃料入口與汽化、重組反應(yīng)區(qū)、氣體純化。

8. Stems and leaves hairy; calyx membranous; corolla tube more than 2 cm, middle lobe of lower lip 2-lobed; stamens inserted at throat; filaments pilose
莖和葉有毛;花萼膜質(zhì);花冠筒超過2厘米,下唇的中部裂片2裂;雄蕊著生的在喉部;花絲具柔毛 2 Lancea hirsuta 粗毛肉果草

9. Stems and leaves glabrous; calyx leathery; corolla tube 0.8-1.3 cm, middle lobe of lower lip entire; stamens inserted near middle of corolla tube; filaments glabrous
莖和葉無毛;花萼革質(zhì);花冠筒0.8-1.3厘米,更低的唇全緣的中部裂片;雄蕊花冠筒的著生的近中部;花絲無毛 1 Lancea tibetica 肉果草

10. For the liver normal cells, there appeared changes in the intensities of the Raman peaks at 1006, 1125, 1314 and 1341 cm~(-1), and it indicated that HCPT had influences on the DNA and proteins of the liver normal cells.
正常細(xì)胞中的一些拉曼峰1006、1125、1314和1341 cm~(-1)強度也有變化,表明羥喜樹堿對正常細(xì)胞內(nèi)的DNA及蛋白質(zhì)均有影響。

11. Results A closure of the mitral and tricuspid valves with simultaneous opening of the aortic valve occurred exclusively during chest compression, resulting in forward blood flow in the pulmonary and systemic circulation. Peak forward aortic flow at a velocity of 58.8±11.6? cm/s was recorded during the compression phase.
結(jié)果 所有的6例病人,胸按壓時,二尖瓣和三尖瓣關(guān)閉,同時主動脈瓣開放,前向血流自心室進入體循環(huán)和肺循環(huán);發(fā)生在胸按壓時的主動脈瓣峰值前向血流速度為58.8±11.6?

12. Weigh the empty cup, position it under the chute, and slowly pour the powder from a height of 5.1 cm (2 inches) above the funnel through the volumeter, at a rate suitable to prevent clogging, until the cup overflows.
稱空杯重,放在斜道下面,將粉末慢慢的從5.1 cm(2英寸)高處通過一個漏斗倒入體積計直到粉末溢出,傾倒速度以防止篩孔堵塞為準(zhǔn)

13. However, if the picture or the composition of that stone and another stone there is a balanced and a good balance of all, how much length can be, but 15cm above is only a display of water originally stone, water stone Shelf mostly used as a miniature bonsai Shelf with production, such as the use of the actual display at the exhibition are mostly five and three used by the two, that reason is that five used or Shelf Display with three large-scale water stone better than worse.


14. The soils of surface 0~5 cm and subsurface 5~25 cm were collected from selected eco-tesseras of degraded abandon lands, corn cultivated lands, vegetation recovery lands and well-protected vegetation lands respectively. Total pool of soil major nutrients showed sensitive changes with vegetation cover, accompanying a similar change of soil microbial biomass carbon. Vegetation recovery resulted in a remarkable change of soil total nutrient pool and increased soil microbial biomass carbon. However, vegetation recovery for 3~6 years long did not drive a significant change in available pool of the nutrients as well as the microbial respiration quotient and soil enzyme activities.

15. CM的意思

15. There are about more than 60 movable joints, 36 cm height.


16. Flowering rosette with 1 to many scapose inflorescence of flowers with bracts, or with a solitary flower with bracts or not; corolla less than 1.5 cm in diam.
花蓮座叢具1 對花具苞片,或具一單生花具苞片的很多具花葶花序與否;花冠不到1.5厘米直徑 11

17. The 10cm depth temperature was the main factor of affect the soil respiration rate.

18. Diurnal dynamics of CO_2 flux from was monitored every 3 hours in four continuous 2 days ea...
結(jié)果表明,不同小區(qū)平均土壤呼吸與CO2排放速率在CO2-C 12.2~25.2 mg/(m2.h)之間,日排放量在CO2-C 327.2~604.1mg/(m2.d)之間,低于文獻報道的森林和草地及旱作農(nóng)田的土壤呼吸;與長期有機-無機配施處理相比,長期單施化肥CO2日排放量提高了55%~85%,并且顯著提高了土壤呼吸對土壤(5 cm)溫度的響應(yīng)敏感性。

19. CM的解釋

19. Result: The anticancer active component includes: taxol 9.45%、cephalomanine: 9.63%、10- deacetylbaccatinⅢ: 22.64%、total flavonoids: 19.15%. 3. The preparation of Seiadopitysin control Methods: Take dry Ginkgo leaves and extracted three times by sonication with 95% EtOH, solutions were concentrated under vacuum, after defatting by petroleum benzin, the sample was extracted with EtOAc and the solutions were concentrated under vacuum.

20. Most can 7 door side by side, spacing can also work than 40CM.

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