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post office
美音: [p?ust ??fis] 英音: [post ??f?s]

第三人稱復數(shù):post offices

post office基本解釋

post office


post office相關(guān)例句



1. I saw her at the postoffice a moment ago.

post office網(wǎng)絡(luò)解釋

1. post office是什么意思

1. 郵政局:英國郵政局(PostOffice)的這份調(diào)查說,不存錢者的理由是,身上債務(wù)太多了. BBC經(jīng)濟事務(wù)記者伊萬.戴維斯(Evan Davis)說,鑒于近幾年英國低利率水平,如此少的人存錢并不難理解.

2. 郵電局:銀行辦公時間:星期一到星期五 09:30 - 15:00 留澳寶典之二:郵電局(POSTOFFICE)首先介紹一下郵資:澳大利亞國內(nèi)(20克)郵費是50C﹐寄往中國的信件郵費(20克)是1澳元﹒澳洲郵局功能很多,這是從中國來的留學生和移民所沒有見識過的.

3. 去郵局:我們要郵信通常都是往郵筒(mailbox)一丟,也有人喜歡去郵局(postoffice)寄信. 如果是寄掛號信(certificate mail)就一定要去郵局辦理啦,寄包裹(parcel)或是特快專遞(EMS: express mail service)也要是要去郵局辦理的. 當然現(xiàn)在要寄東西,

post office詞典解釋

1. 郵政部
The Post Office is the national organization that is responsible for postal services.

e.g. The PostOffice has confirmed that up to fifteen thousand jobs could be lost.

2. 郵局;郵政所
A post office is a building where you can buy stamps, post letters and packages, and use other services provided by the national postal service.

post office的近義詞

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