

PHP 核心

array_key_exists() 函數添加了一個專門的 VM opcache 優(yōu)化,如果該函數可以被靜態(tài)解析,則可以提高該函數的性能。如果你在項目中使用了命名空間,可能會需要使用 \array_key_exists() 來顯性的導入該函數。

正則表達式 (Perl-Compatible)

When preg_match() in UTF-8 mode ("u" modifier) is repeatedly called on the same string (but possibly different offsets), it will only be checked for UTF-8 validity once.

INI 配置文件處理的變化

zend.exception_ignore_args is a new INI directive for including or excluding arguments from stack traces generated from exceptions.

opcache.preload_user is a new INI directive for specifying the user account under which preloading code is execute if it would otherwise be run as root (which is not allowed for security reasons).

遷移到 pkg-config

一些擴展已經遷移到只使用 pkg-config 來檢測庫的依賴性。一般來說,這意味著不再用 --with-foo-dir=DIR 或類似的參數,而是使用 --with-foo。自定義庫的路徑可以通過向 PKG_CONFIG_PATH 添加額外的目錄,或通過 FOO_CFLAGSFOO_LIBS 來明確指定。

以下擴展和 SAPI 會受到影響:

  • CURL:
    • --with-curl 選項不再接受一個目錄。
  • Enchant:
    • --with-enchant 選項不再接受一個目錄。
  • FPM:
    • --with-fpm-systemd now uses only pkg-config for libsystem checks. The libsystemd minimum required version is 209.
  • GD:
    • --with-gd 改變?yōu)? --enable-gd (whether to enable the extension at all) 和 --with-external-gd (to opt into using an external libgd, rather than the bundled one).
    • --with-png-dir 參數被移除。需要 libpng 支持。
    • --with-zlib-dir 參數被移除。需要 zlib 支持。
    • --with-freetype-dir 改變?yōu)?--with-freetype
    • --with-jpeg-dir 改變?yōu)? --with-jpeg
    • --with-webp-dir 改變?yōu)? --with-webp
    • --with-xpm-dir 改變?yōu)? --with-xpm
  • IMAP:
    • --with-kerberos-systemd 選項不再接受一個目錄。
  • Intl:
    • --with-icu-dir 被移除。如果使用了 --enable-intl 參數,需要 libicu 支持。
  • LDAP:
    • --with-ldap-sasl 選項不再接受一個目錄。
  • Libxml:
    • --with-libxml-dir 被移除。
    • --enable-libxml 改變?yōu)? --with-libxml。
    • --with-libexpat-dir 被重命名為 --with-expat 并且該選項不再接受一個目錄。
  • Litespeed:
    • --with-litespeed 改變?yōu)? --enable-litespeed。
  • Mbstring:
    • --with-onig 被移除。如果指定了 --disable-mbregex 參數,則需要 libonig 支持。
  • ODBC:
    • --with-iodbc 選項不再接受一個目錄。
    • --with-unixODBC without a directory now uses pkg-config (preferred). Directory is still accepted for old versions without libodbc.pc.
  • OpenSSL:
    • --with-openssl 選項不再接受一個目錄。
  • PCRE:
    • --with-pcre-regex 被移除。Instead --with-external-pcre is provided to opt into using an external PCRE library, rather than the bundled one.
  • PDO_SQLite:
    • --with-pdo-sqlite 選項不再接受一個目錄。
  • Readline:
    • --with-libedit 選項不再接受一個目錄。
  • Sodium:
    • --with-sodium 選項不再接受一個目錄。
  • SQLite3:
    • --with-sqlite3 選項不再接受一個目錄。
  • XSL:
    • --with-xsl 選項不再接受一個目錄。
  • Zip:
    • --with-libzip 被移除。
    • --enable-zip 改變?yōu)? --with-zip。

CSV escaping

fputcsv(), fgetcsv(), SplFileObject::fputcsv(), SplFileObject::fgetcsv(), and SplFileObject::setCsvControl() now accept an empty string as $escape argument, which disables the proprietary PHP escaping mechanism.

The behavior of str_getcsv() has been adjusted accordingly (formerly, an empty string was identical to using the default).

SplFileObject::getCsvControl() now may also return an empty string for the third array element, accordingly.

Data Filtering

The filter extension no longer exposes --with-pcre-dir for Unix builds and can now reliably be built as shared when using ./configure


The behavior of imagecropauto() in the bundled libgd has been synced with that of system libgd:

  • IMG_CROP_DEFAULT is no longer falling back to IMG_CROP_SIDES
  • Threshold-cropping now uses the algorithm of system libgd

The default $mode parameter of imagecropauto() has been changed to IMG_CROP_DEFAULT; passing -1 is now deprecated.

imagescale() now supports aspect ratio preserving scaling to a fixed height by passing -1 as $new_width.

HASH Message Digest Framework

The hash extension cannot be disabled anymore and is always an integral part of any PHP build, similar to the date extension.


The intl extension now requires at least ICU 50.1.

ResourceBundle now implements Countable.

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

Support for nsldap and umich_ldap has been removed.


All libxml-based extensions now require libxml 2.7.6 or newer.

Multibyte String

The oniguruma library is no longer bundled with PHP, instead libonig needs to be available on the system. Alternatively --disable-mbregex can be used to disable the mbregex component.


The --disable-opcache-file and --enable-opcache-file configure options have been removed in favor of the opcache.file_cache INI directive.

Password Hashing

The password_hash() and functions now accept nullable string and int for $algo argument.


Installation of PEAR (including PECL) is no longer enabled by default. It can be explicitly enabled using --with-pear. This option is deprecated and may be removed in the future.


The numeric values of the modifier constants (IS_ABSTRACT, IS_DEPRECATED, IS_EXPLICIT_ABSTRACT, IS_FINAL, IS_IMPLICIT_ABSTRACT, IS_PRIVATE, IS_PROTECTED, IS_PUBLIC, and IS_STATIC) on the ReflectionClass, ReflectionFunction, ReflectionMethod, ReflectionObject, and ReflectionProperty classes have changed.


SimpleXMLElement now implements Countable.


The bundled libsqlite has been removed. To build the SQLite3 extension a system libsqlite3 ≥ 3.7.4 is now required. To build the PDO_SQLite extension a system libsqlite3 ≥ 3.5.0 is now required.

Serialization and unserialization of SQLite3, SQLite3Stmt and SQLite3Result is now explicitly forbidden. Formerly, serialization of instances of these classes was possible, but unserialization yielded unusable objects.

The @param notation can now also be used to denote SQL query parameters.


The bundled libzip library has been removed. A system libzip >= 0.11 is now necessary to build the zip extension.